Try This One Surefire Tip for a Smooth Moving Day

It doesn’t matter if you are moving to a new neighborhood in your own town, or across the country. Moving is stressful! There are so many things to remember, organize and take care of. Not only that, but you have to finally clean out that junk drawer or the hall closet where you throw everything that doesn’t belong anyplace else.

It’s no wonder that some people find moving even more stressful than divorce!

One surefire way to make sure you get everything done, and on time? A moving checklist. Here’s a guide to creating yours.

First, you will need to get a binder or folder — someplace to stash every piece of paperwork related to your move. Then, create a checklist for every step of the timeline.

Eight Weeks in Advance

*Research moving companies. Compare prices, and read reviews. Then contact On the Go Moving & Storage and make arrangements to book their services.
*If you rent, let your landlord know that you’ll be leaving, so he or she can arrange to get the place rented again, and schedule a walkthrough when you’re ready to leave.
*Begin gathering supplies like boxes, packing tape, bubble wrap and markers.
*Start to go through your stuff, setting aside anything that you will donate prior to your move.

Six Weeks In Advance

*Call your providers — doctors, veterinarian, utilities, insurance companies — to arrange for the transfer of records. If you have children, arrange for their records to be transferred to the kids’ new school.
*Schedule a day to hold a moving sale. This will net you some extra cash for your move!
*Keep packing! At this point, you can start with out-of-season or seldom-used items.

Four Weeks in Advance

*By now, your packing should be well underway. Label each box with its final destination and its contents, to make moving and unpacking as smooth as possible.
*If you have the room, stage your boxes in one location and clean each room as you empty it.
*Hold your moving sale and donate anything that’s left afterwards.

Two Weeks in Advance

*Moving day is coming up fast! It’s time to clean out your freezer and pantry. No one wants to move food. Eat what you can, and arrange to donate any leftover non-perishables to a local food bank (or your neighbors!).
*Confirm your reservation with the moving company.
*Schedule your utilities to be turned on in your new place, a day or so prior to the move. Have your current utilities turned off a day or two after you leave. This overlap is a good safeguard.

The Week of the Move

*Pack suitcases for each family member with the essential items you’ll need for a few days, just in case your moving van is delayed.
*Buy paper plates, utensils, and cups so you can pack up your dishes. Extras will come in handy once you’ve arrived if you don’t unpack kitchenware right away.
*Keep packing and cleaning!

The Day of the Move

*Do one final walkthrough of the space, making sure nothing is left behind.
*Enjoy your stress-free move, thanks to your moving checklist!