Ways to Get More Passive Income from Your Blog

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Your blog could be more than just a place to write down your thoughts and opinions or promote your brand; instead, you can use it as a tool to make passive income.

This means that you can set up ways to make money through your blog and then sit back and wait for the money to come in without having to put any work into the process.

Keep reading for a few ways that you can get started.

affiliate marketing circle

Write and Sell an E-Book

If you are already blogging, you are already confident in your abilities as a writer. And if you have a large enough following, you know that people respect you for what you have to say, for the knowledge that you can share with them, and for the valuable content that your blog provides.

So why not go a step further and write up a short e-book that you can then promote to your subscribers and readers for sale?

Whether you are a blogging expert on public health policy, thanks to your masters of public health from a reputable university, or you are known for your ability to teach others how to create art online with Adobe programs, all you have to do is put your e-book on your blog and wait for the sales to come in.

You may want to read: How to Start a Blog (And Make Money With It) – Step by Step Guide

Sell Ad Space on Your Blog

If you are able to prove that you get a lot of traffic to your blog on a consistent basis, you can start selling ad space to fellow businesses on your website.

This is one of the many popular methods that bloggers use to generate passive income, as you can simply place the ads within the headers and the margins of the site without them getting in the way of your content.

Just be sure to keep the ads to a minimum, display them in a tasteful way, and focus on getting ads from businesses that would appeal to your readers.

With NoPassiveIncome, I’m doing great with BuySellAds:

NoPassiveIncome at BSA marketplace

Sign Up for Affiliate Marketing Programs

Finally, you can sign up for one of the many affiliate marketing programs that are available to bloggers and website owners just like you. These are really easy to sign up for and set up, and all you have to do is place ads for those companies on your website.

Depending upon the affiliate program that you sign up with, you can make money every time that a visitor clicks on one of the links, or when that person clicks through and makes a purchase.

You can also work on incorporating your affiliate offers in a tasteful way throughout your content so that more people are encouraged to click through, find out more, and make a purchase.

Just make sure the affiliates are related to your blog’s content so that readers will not be turned off by them.

Here’s a great guide you want to read about affiliate marketing: How to Make Money With Affiliate Marketing – A 7 Minute Guide

By following the tips above, you can use your skills and education, such as your masters in public health online degree or your web development background, on your blog to start earning more passive income easily.

Give one or all of these strategies a try and see which one works best.

What’s your experience with passive income?

Are you earning something from your blog?

Please share your experience in the comments below, thanks!